CleanGreen will work to make your life easier! We are willing to help you in almost every way, including party or event support, moving management and even concierge services.

Organizational Services

Often we find that our partners desire organizational support. The perfect person to assist in the organization of your home is your CleanGreen Household Manager. Household Managers come to understand your home as well as you do. Often we find that a room, maybe an attic or basement, has become an overflowing junk space. Your Household Manager will suggest and coordinate Clean Out services for you. Think of CleanGreen organizational support to assist with your closet and kitchen organizational designs too.


Our professional organizer rate is $55/hour. Labor to carry out an organizational plan is the same as our cleaning rate.

Event Support

Seasonal Support:

CleanGreen can take on your seasonal chores. We can help with holiday projects, organizing holiday decoration storage, switching out your seasonal clothing, maintaining your home during vacations — or preparing it — for your return.

Remodeling Support:

Our partners tell us over and over again that they survived their remodeling project because of our remodeling support. As you begin your remodeling project, no matter how big or small, our Household Managers will prepare you by setting up temporary shelving and bins to relocate the necessary areas of your home. As the project proceeds our cleaning experts will help eliminate the endless remodeling dust.

Party/Event Support:

CleanGreen can provide you with the perfect person to manage your kitchen during a celebratory event. We will replenish the buffet and keep the dishes washed, leaving you time to fully enjoy your guests. The best part of having party support is when the party ends; you will find yourself in a clean home, free of garbage and clutter.

Moving Support:

CleanGreen Household Managers are experts at managing our clients’ moves. We can direct the packing and unpacking, because we know your home as well as you do.

Event/Party Support Pricing:

Base rate of $225 gives you 5-hours of service. Each additional 1/2 hour is $25.

Seasonal/Remodeling/Moving Pricing – Rates are the same as your regular cleaning rate.

Simple dust elimination for remodeling support is $25 an hour. Non-customer rates are $48 an hour.

Concierge Services

Household management is not complete without concierge services. Imagine waking up to a leaking hot water tank when you are flying out of town that very same day. This happened to one of our CleanGreen clients. The client called their Household Manager who handled everything for them. CleanGreen has many household support contractors, for instance: plumbers, electricians, landscapers and more. Our concierge services can make scheduling phone calls and even wait to meet the maintenance personnel, so you don’t have to. We can call our contractors or use contractors of your choice. It is up to you. We do your grocery shopping and pick up your dry cleaning. You enjoy your very own personal assistant when you make use of CleanGreen Concierge Services.