CleanGreen Featured on Move, Eat, Live Naturally Radio Show

One of the greatest things about the work that I do are the people that I meet and the experiences that they bring to my everyday life.  CleanGreen’s mission is to create a healthier and more sustainable world by allowing our partners to lead green and happy lives.  Our focused mission enables us to connect with like-minded people, sharing the same ultimate goals.  I met Cecile Elias many years ago when I was just beginning my life as an Entrepreneur with CleanGreen.  I was working a ton and started looking for something that would connect me with my three growing girls.  I wanted to set up dedicated time to spend with them, not only to bond us but to remind us that working on a healthier lifestyle could be fun and rewarding at the same time.  Enter Pilates.

We began taking Pilates together and Cecile was one my my girls’ favorite instructors.  I’ll admit Cecile’s classes were a little less fun for me, she is definitely known to kick your butt and I was not quite ready for that at the time, but my girls loved it and I just loved spending time with them.  Recently I had an opportunity to reconnect with Cecile once again when I was asked to do an interview on her radio show, Move, Eat, Live Naturally  on KQV.  It really was more fun than I could have imagined.  Cecile leads the way when it comes to living a healthier and simple lifestyle, not only with her genuine obsession with Pilates but also with her “primal living” lifestyle (learn more at  This radio show actually gave us an opportunity to discuss our common beliefs and values around creating an overall green life!  We discuss all kind of things around overall wellness on this episode.  Cecile kicks it off talking about the 9 Primal Blueprint Laws which leads to this episodes focus, Primal Blueprint Law #2, the importance of avoiding poisonous things.  Enter CleanGreen, we know something about that!

Here is a link to the interview!

I hope you enjoy!

Please forward this onto anyone that would be interested and follow us on social media!

Seek Balance, Find Peace